Ballot Scanners To Speed Results. Satisfy Voters. Secure Outcomes.
Implementing free and fair elections is critical to the fabric of democracies. Yet many governments grapple with the complexities of maintaining an election process that is fair, safe, accurate, authentic and above all – completed quickly.
While battling these standard issues, governments globally are now being faced with an additional challenge. Health and safety.

In our new normal, where social distancing is a must, apprehension of packed voting centers is sowing fear amongst citizens and officials. Already, large sections of the population – military personnel, travelers, sick or hospitalized, and the elderly – find themselves challenged when it comes to traveling to centers to cast votes. The risk of becoming infected while voting only adds to their worries. Consequently, many states and countries, as well as the US Senate, are increasingly eyeing a move towards mail-in balloting, in hopes of preserving the health, safety and equality of their citizens.
As if these health and speed issues were not enough, many are now also concerned about the potential for computer-based elections to be hacked. Therefore, auditability and accountability has become crucial. Several election authorities consider printing digital ballots to be an option for setting up a second layer of security. This extra step builds confidence in the election process and further safeguards voters rights.
With all of these troubles in mind, governments worldwide are turning towards new voting scanning machines to help combat issues and usher in major changes that will satisfy modern voters.
Looking to develop a fair, safe and fast election process for your constituents?
Read on to explore the current challenges facing paper ballot voting systems and how ibml solves them.

High-Volume, Short Time Window
Capturing ballots requires high-volume processing at the fastest speeds possible to prevent delays and instill public confidence in valid election results

Catching Errors & Invalid Ballots
Optical scan voting for swift election results requires both lightning-fast error detection and instant out-sorting for physical review to prevent invalid ballots from being tallied

Information Accuracy
Extracting and validating information on the fly requires advanced computer imaging to ensure both accuracy and quality of the images produced; especially when imaging folded ballots

Certifying Authenticity
Developing a fair and trustworthy election process requires results that are not only validated, but also audited in real-time to ensure all ballots are captured

Safeguarding from Cyberattack
As citizens grow increasingly weary of external election influences, protecting and certifying the security of your devices has become mission-critical

Increased Labor and Footprint
Many counties currently employ large numbers of varying counting machines or scanners. This leads to greater technical complexity and a larger number of workers required, adding further to security concerns and social distancing issues
The ibml Solution
Revamp your election process with ibml’s intelligent capture solutions – made in the USA. With automated ballot information capture, delivery of election results has never been faster, more secure or more accurate.

Accelerate Ballot Capture
Speed election processing times and get results out quickly with the fastest high-volume scanners in the market, built for mission critical applications
Deliver Accurate and Authentic Results
Ensure accurate and usable information is delivered and retained. Catch errors early with automated validation, superior image quality, and rapid out-sorting of invalid ballots
Upgrade Your Security and Compliance
Secure sensitive information from the moment it enters with role-based access to functions and information, complete ballot audit trails, activity logging, and data encryption

Reduced Costs and Complexity
Shrink the number of machines and laborers you need with ibml ultra high-volume scanners. Beyond saving real estate costs and time, you’ll also reduce technical complexity, training, potential errors, security issues, and social proximity
Proven to Work
The largest county in the US has also moved to ibml scanners to both ensure auditability and speed.
- With over 5 million registered voters and over 10 million people, this gigantic county served voters in the last election using a combination of touch-screen & print ballots, mail-in ballots, and 20 ibml ImageTrac scanners to process it all
- The results? Election officials achieved both speed, auditability and the satisfaction of their constituents
Using ibml scanners, the State of Washington has become a leader in the move to mail-in balloting.
King County/State of Washington
- Discover how King County, Washington spearheaded the nearly 100% move to mail-in balloting.
- How: Using drop-off stations, ImageTrac, and ImageTracDS Machines, election officials tabulated results with unprecendted speed. Watch how
ibml-as-a-service (iaaS)
Harness the Latest Technology
Without the Upfront Costs
Gain an unbeatable technological advantage while freeing up your cash flows. With the new ibml-as-a-service, you can utilize ibml’s cutting-edge capture technology on a pay-as-you-go basis by opting for fixed quarterly payments. With greater flexibility and freedom, you’ll be able to avoid high CAPEX costs, preserve cash for other core growth initiatives, and customize, scale and bundle your technology subscription to fit individual needs. Plus, your investment is 100% tax deductible and eligible for upgrades or new features at any time.
Gain an unbeatable technological advantage while freeing up your cash flows. With the new ibml-as-a-service, you can utilize ibml’s cutting-edge capture technology on a pay-as-you-go basis by opting for fixed quarterly payments. With greater flexibility and freedom, you’ll be able to avoid high CAPEX costs, preserve cash for other core growth initiatives, and customize, scale and bundle your technology subscription to fit individual needs. Plus, your investment is 100% tax deductible and eligible for upgrades or new features at any time.
How the iaaS subscription process works:

Transform Your Ballot Processing
Customize a turnaround solution for your entire election process. From designing ballots, to printing, to capturing, to delivering tabulated results – ibml and our partners have you covered.
1. Corse, Alexa. “Poll Finds 67% Of Voters Support Mail-In Ballots For November Elections.” WSJ. N. p., 2020. Web. 30 Apr. 2020.