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Digital Transformation Knowledge Hub: Webinars, Case Studies, White Papers & More:


That’s why the benefits that DATAMARK is achieving for a major client with an ibml image and data capture solution are so impressive. The solution has...

Case Study
Government Insurance

Lending Services Provider Case Study

Speed is critical to loan origination to ensure enough time for due diligence, to resolve any exceptions before they impact borrowers or create compliance...

Case Study
Government Insurance

Document Retention Services Company

The decline of paper documents has caused the market for traditional document retention services to shrink at an alarming rate. But one leading provider of...

Case Study
Government Healthcare

How Digital Transformation Helps in Data Management

As unstructured paper data grows, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information at your fingertips. This influx of data has made it more...

Banking BPO Government Healthcare Insurance